Thursday, February 8, 2007

First day on Xeloda...

I met with a radiation oncologist on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of radiating the tumor that is now 9cm and sitting on the top left lung. It is putting so much pressure on my nerves that my left side of the neck, shoulder, shoulder blade, arm, and head hurt. The meeting went well and we agreed to start radiation next week. It will be every day for two weeks. However, as I left the office I had tears in my eyes. As I was about to walk out the radiation oncologist looked at me and said you do realize that there is no cure and this will only help alleviate the pain and I smiled and said yes and thanked him. How many times do I need to hear "there is no cure?"

I started the Xeloda today. My stomach has been queasy all day. Of course, it did not stop me from eating Aurelio's Pizza tonight. I am a little apprehensive about the side effects. There are some terrible side-effects but everybody responds differently. I could be one of the lucky ones that will have minimal side effects.

I had a really bad night as I did not take a steroid which I am suppose to be weaned off, however, the method that was recommended to me is not working well. I ached all night and my fever spiked to 100.2 and I knew it was because of the steroids. So I spoke to my Doctor and we are going to try a different method to wean me off this steroid.

Even though I was not well today it was very fortunate that I had a follow-up appointment with my primary physician because Serena was not well either. She has had this awful cough for two weeks. So I took her in and she does have some fluid in her left lung so the doctor ordered antibiotics. She did so well. She even gave the doctor two "high5".

Afterwards, I took Serena home for a nap but she refused and I was so exhausted so I decided to take her to see Charlotte's Web at the Theatre. I sat in the theatre with her and during previews we would look at each other and giggle. She was soooo lovely. I just loved being there with her.

Well, we are both very tired. Serena went to bed at 6p.m. and I am trying my best to stay up to watch Grey's Anatomy. I am so tired so let's see who wins: McDreamy or McBed????


brandey said...

What are the side effects of Xeloda?! I know, I know...research it online, Brandey, you lazy butt! I will look into it so I have a better idea of what you're dealing with, Sabina. I hate it that the "cures" and even palliative measures for cancer are so wrought with side effects. Someday maybe we will have better answers for people struggling with cancer, as well as so many other medical conditions. Don't you wonder if people don't keep "reminding" you that there's no cure because they are so blown away by your strength and your positive attitude?!?! I bet you leave them in awe, Sabina. I know I am.

brandey said...

Who won anyway, McDreamy or McBed?!? It was a great episode last nite! "And I am your night in shining whatever!" What a great line!

Leila said...


I have to agree with Brandy, you have displayed such grace and strength, you are an amazing woman. Despite what the doctors' say, hold on to the promise of God.

Leila and Mom

Sabina Yancey said...

You are certainly not lazy... There is no need to look up the side effects when I have them and they are as follows:
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetitie, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, hand-foot syndrome (they will dry, peel, and hurt), back/joint/muscle pain, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping,skin darkening, and itchy dry skin.

I already have trouble sleeping, daily muscle/ joint pain, and my hands already suffer from "clubbing" due to my type of cancer and lastly because of Avastin I already have diarrhea so I guess we will wait and see what happens next.

BTW--McDreamy won!!! Good thing Marilyn called and kept me awake on the phone while watching Grey's Anatomy. We just don't talk during the program.